Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Passive people:

* Are victims.
* Feel depressed and defeated.
* Are afraid of the future. Fear that something bad is going to happen.
* Find it hard to get motivated.
* Struggle with feeling hopeless.
* Are lazy and avoid difficult tasks.
* Procrastinate.
* Don’t clean up or organise anything.
* Don’t repair things that are broken.
* Don’t maintain anything.
* Don’t try anything new.
* Don’t try to improve anything.
* Don’t maintain their health.
* Don’t make their beds in the morning.
* Watch movies, TV, videos. Surf websites.
* Pursue aimless entertainment instead of self-improvement.
* Fall into addictive habits.
* Take lots of pills for all kinds of ailments.
* Let other people roll over them.
* Look for someone else they can follow instead of taking the lead.
* Always ask other people what to do.
* Let other people make the hard decisions.
* Don’t set goals or take goal-setting seriously.
* Don’t have much of a desire to do anything.
* Complain and criticise.
* Wallow in self-pity.
* Feel regrets over the past and don’t look forward to the future.
* Accept conditions that are unacceptable.
* Have a negative view of life and its possibilities.
* Fear change.
* Are afraid of suffering.
* Dwell on their fears, anxieties, worries, hurts, and resentments.
* Don’t forgive. Don’t forget.
* Indulge in nostalgia.
* Feel trapped.
* Daydream about escaping and leaving their problems behind.
* Have no desire to learn or grow.
* Blame others (including God) for their problems.
* Have a fatalistic view of life, seeing no potential for improvement.
* Tend to be driven by the demands of others instead of pursuing their own agenda.
* Are reactive instead of proactive.
* Don’t act on their values.
* Don’t initiate.
* Cling to other people for comfort, security, and direction.
* Wonder whether there is anything worth doing in life.
* Live life with no vision, excitement, or enthusiasm.
* Are not willing to sacrifice their own comfort or security to help others.
* Wonder why they are not having a positive influence on others.

Proactive people:

* Are fighters.
* Seize the day.
* Take the lead.
* Aim for victory.
* Write books instead of just reading them.
* Take action in line with their values.